Simple and so tasty that “finger-lickin’” recipes for winter salads without sterilization from tomatoes cut in slices will be a great way to meet unexpected guests.
Tomatoes in any form are suitable for canning for the winter. The sour-sad fruits are perfectly combined with bright carrots, juicy onions, crunchy cucumbers and meaty peppers.
Lakomka salad of tomatoes with onions, sweet peppers and carrots

A smart colored mixed vegetables “Lakomka” is distinguished by the fact that it keeps the freshness of the ingredients in a delicate spicy marinade.
The light salad is very easy to prepare, it stores well, and does not bloat. In winter, I open the jar, and from there comes such an incredible smell, as if the vegetables are just collected from the bed.
For 4 liter jars of salad “Lakomka” take:
- ripe and fleshy tomatoes – 1 kg;
- orange carrot – 1 kg;
- onions – 1 kg;
- bell pepper – ½ kg;
- lean oil – 0.5 cup;
- sugar – 0.5 cup;
- unadulterated salt – 1.5 tbsp. tbsp;
- a handful of freshly ground black pepper;
- 9% vinegar – 60 ml.
Canning I have consists of these steps:
- I wash the tomatoes, cut off the stalks, and cut them into medium slices. I do not advise grinding, so that then the slices in the cooking process did not fall apart. I put the tomato slices in a container with a non-stick bottom.
- I cut the peeled onion in half rings, and send it to the tomatoes.
- I cut the peppers into rings or half-rings and add them to the rest of the vegetables.
- Vegetable shredder peel carrots, grate them coarsely, and pour them into a container.
- Into the mixture I put freshly ground pepper, salt and sugar.
- Here I put bay leaf and any spicy herbs to taste.
- Stir all the ingredients.
- In a saucepan I pour lean oil, put it on a low heat, and cook for 30 minutes, stirring the contents with a spatula.
- It is important not to overcook the vegetables so that they retain their shape and do not turn into mush.
- Into the ready mix I put vinegar, and boil it for another 10 minutes.
- In sterile jars I distribute the salad, and capped with boiled lids.
- I leave the blanks under a warm blanket until morning, and after that I transfer the jars to the cellar.
- Onions, carrots, peppers – bright, juicy and flavorful combination, which becomes a full-fledged garnish for any meat dish. At my house, the appetizer “flies away” simply with a slice of fresh, crusty bread.
Snack of tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and peppers in layers – per liter jar

Describing the “golden recipes” of my cookbook, I can’t help but tell you about a salad with fleshy tomatoes, bright peppers, crisp onions and fresh cucumbers, which is prepared in layers, with the calculation of products per liter jar.
This original snack has become a regular guest of our dinner table, although for its preparation you need a little sterilization. Conservation consists of multicolored layers that do not mix, and look smart in the jar.
Components for 1 liter jar:
- medium-sized juicy cucumbers – 4 pcs;
- tomatoes – 4 pcs;
- bell peppers – 2 pcs.;
- medium onions – 2 pcs.;
- a couple of cloves of garlic;
- a couple of tbsp. of lean oil;
- dill sprigs – 2 pcs. with seeds;
- 2 tbsp. salt and sugar;
- 9% vinegar solution – 4 tsp;
- black pepper peas – 6 pcs.
Layered vitamin salad is made as follows:
- I cut tomatoes in large slices, cucumbers in circles, onions in half rings, garlic in half, and peppers in thick straws.
- On the bottom of the jar I put oil, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, peppers in layers.
- On the vegetables I put garlic cloves and dill sprigs.
- Then pour salt and sugar, pour vinegar.
- Fill the jars to the top with boiling water, pouring a thin stream.
- I put the jars on a towel in a saucepan, and fill them up to the shoulders with water. Sterilize for 15 minutes, and immediately roll metal lids.
- I turn them over and wrap them in a blanket until they cool down completely.
- The combination of cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers and onions is perfectly refreshing with juicy flavor, and served with ruddy slices of potatoes, bittochki or pasta.
Appetizer recipes for winter – Orange Miracle

Sunny appetizer “Orange Miracle” immediately reminds of warm summer, and looks beautiful on the table. The bright color of the preparation gives carrots, so I choose it especially carefully.
You will need:
- juicy carrots – 1 kg;
- juicy tomatoes – 1.5 kg;
- sugar – ½ cup;
- a small head of garlic;
- a cup of lean butter;
- rock salt – 2 tablespoons;
- 1 tbsp. of freshly ground black pepper;
- 9% vinegar – 1 tbsp. per jar.
Preparation of the salad:
- Thoroughly wash ripe tomatoes, and cut them into slices.
- Carrots are peeled with a vegetable peeler, and cut into squares.
- Carrots and tomatoes I scroll on a meat grinder, or beat with a blender.
- I mix the mixture into a glass or enameled saucepan, put sugar and salt in the same place, and pour in lean butter. I mix everything to get a homogeneous mass. I put the container on the stove, and stew for about 1.5 hours.
- Crush or chop garlic, and pour into the general mass along with pepper at the very end of cooking.
- Then pour vinegar, and stir.
- Spread the salad preparation in sterilized jars, and capped with lids boiled in boiling water.
Tomato and pearl salad Nourishing Dinner

An appetizer of chopped juicy vegetables with pearls becomes an excellent side dish for meat. It is convenient to take a beautiful jar out of the pantry, open it, and enjoy an independent nourishing dish.
Product set for 5 jars of 0.5 liters:
- colored bell peppers – 1 kg;
- tomatoes, onions, juicy carrots – ½ kg;
- a cup of pearl;
- sugar – 3 tbsp;
- unadulterated salt – 1 tbsp. with a pea;
- filtered water – 350 ml;
- refined sunflower oil – half a cup;
- 9% vinegar – 2 tbsp;
- freshly ground black pepper – a handful.
Salting a hearty dish with groats consists of these steps:
- Pearl groats rinse under the tap, and soak in water for 2 hours.
- I peel carrots and grate them on a grater with large cells.
- Onions are peeled, and cut finely. If desired, you can cut into half rings or quarters.
- Tomatoes are beaten with a blender, and the peppers are divided into small strips.
- I take a saucepan of suitable size, pour oil into the bottom, heat, and pour into it grated carrots and onions.
- After boiling stew vegetables on low heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally with a spatula.
- I transfer steamed pearl quarters to the onion-carrot mixture, and boil for another 15 minutes.
- Then put tomato puree, pepper, salt and sugar, and cook for 25 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, I add pepper, and add vinegar.
- Prepared boiling mass spread on sterile jars, roll tin lids, wrapped warm. Sterilization is not required, as the preparation is successfully stored in the conditions of the apartment.
Salad Winter Freshness

Recipes for salads without sterilization for the winter from sliced green tomatoes, so delicious that you can lick your fingers. I usually take those tomatoes that have not had time to ripen over the summer, as well as juicy, fresh herbs.
You’ll need:
- green and brown tomatoes – 3 kg;
- onions – 1 kg;
- carrot – ½ kg;
- a large bundle of herbs (parsley, cilantro, dill);
- salt and sugar – to taste;
- lean oil – for frying onions.
Preservation “Winter Freshness” is prepared as follows:
- I cut tomatoes into small cubes.
- I cut the onions into thin semicircles, and carrots rub on a coarse grater.
- I rinse the greens and chop them finely.
- I put the onions in a frying pan, and put it on medium heat on the stove.
- The container with onions and vegetable oil cover with a lid, stew until soft, and pour carrots into the container.
- I put chopped tomatoes, salt, stir, keep under a closed lid for 10 minutes.
- Add sugar and salt to the mixture, continue to stew for 5-7 minutes, but without a lid.
- I sprinkle the salad with herbs and keep it on the fire for a couple more minutes.
- Hot salad distributed in sterile jars, and rolled up with a machine.
- Turn over, insulate with a plaid. After cooling down, I move the roll up in the cellar.
Five-minute snack with tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter

Choosing the most delicious homemade preparations for the winter, I especially emphasize the recipe for tomato salad “Five Minute”. The appetizer is prepared simply, from available vegetables. It also preserves the vitamins in the composition and the natural flavor of each ingredient. I will tell you two variants of preparation – with sterilization and without.
To maximize the freshness of the combination of tomatoes with herbs, I sterilize the salad for 10 minutes.
For 3 liters of the finished dish you will need:
- ripe tomatoes – 2.5 kg;
- juicy cucumbers – 1 kg;
- a bunch of dill;
- celery – 50 g;
- head of garlic;
- salt – 1 tbsp. with a mountain;
- a pinch of freshly ground black pepper;
- a half cup of sugar;
- a cup of vegetable oil;
- 9% vinegar – 100 ml.
Tomato salad “Five Minute” with greens and with cucumbers I do this:
- I cut the cucumber into semicircles, divide the tomatoes into slices, and pile the vegetables in a common pot.
- I season with finely chopped herbs, and minced garlic.
- Then pour salt, sugar and pepper, and add oil, mixing the salad well.
- I cover the preparation with a lid, and leave it for an hour and a half so that the vegetables exchange juices.
- Spread the salad evenly in sterile jars, slightly knead.
- Sterilize in water for 10-15 minutes with the lid on.
- Roll up, and turn upside down.
- Wrapped in a blanket to achieve a slow cooling of the billet.
- If the salad is prepared without sterilization, then let the juice vegetables (they stand longer – 3-4 hours) should be cooked on the fire for 5-10 minutes and pour in a boiling state into sterilized jars. Roll up and warmly cover for 24 hours, turning the jars upside down.
The salad is symbolically named “Five Minute Salad” because of the speed of preparation. I do not boil the vegetables, so cucumbers in the finished dish crunchy, tomatoes do not spread, and herbs retain a pleasant freshness.