Spring has come, the sun has appeared, but we are still lacking vitamins. The first seasonal fruits and vegetables are waiting for us in the far distance – in early May. And we will have only four months to get vitamin C and to meet the season of viruses and colds. We tell you what’s important to know about this micronutrient. What is the best form of vitamin C to take.

Vitamin C (or ascorbic acid) – perhaps one of the most popular vitamins, its useful properties for the human body are always on the ear. Especially now, when in markets and supermarkets dozens of seasonal products rich in this useful micronutrient. Contrary to popular belief, vitamin C in high doses is present not only in citrus fruits. For examples do not need to go far – in the top in the content of vitamin C summer greens, currants, parsley, dill, apples, red and green peppers.

Like any vitamin, C has its own intake rate. For an adult, it is approximately 90 mg per day. Usually, if you stick to a varied diet with an emphasis on plant-based foods, you can get enough vitamin C simply from food. Supplements are required in exceptional cases, for example, when the risk of catching a virus increases. What else is worth knowing about vitamin C? Let’s sift the myths from the facts.

Myth: with the help of vitamin C you can cure any cold disease

If this were true, the list of remedies would be limited to one single item. Vitamin C does support immunity, but does not heal, as if by magic. Moreover, it makes no sense to take it in high doses. This micronutrient is easily soluble in water, its excess is worse absorbed by the small intestine and excreted from the body by the kidneys.

what is the best form of vitamin C to take - myth 1
what is the best form of vitamin C to take – myth 1

The chemist Linus Pauling is considered to be the main advocate of the theory of vitamin C’s healing properties. It was he who proposed to increase the dose of vitamin C during illness to 3 g per day (with a norm of 90 mg). Iron proof of the hypothesis has not found, although many continue to believe in it. However, one glass with a dissolved tablet of vitamin C really invigorates and helps you feel better. However, it makes little sense to buy kilograms of lemons during a cold. It’s better to eat more ascorbic acid foods as a preventative measure.

Fact: Vitamin C is essential for healthy skin, ligaments and tendons

One of the main properties of ascorbic acid is its involvement in collagen synthesis, which in turn reduces the risk of certain chronic diseases. Collagen is the basis for the health of the skin, ligaments and tendons. By the way, it is not only important for the skin: vitamin C increases its photoprotection, accelerates the replenishment of vitamin E in the body, inhibits the production of melanin – the skin becomes lighter. To maximize the effect, it is better to buy ascorbic acid for topical application and mix it with creams and lotions.

Myth: Taking too much vitamin C, you can not harm yourself

Excess vitamin C is indeed eliminated from the body along with fluid, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take it in moderation. The process increases the load on the kidneys and GI tract, can cause diarrhea and even the formation of kidney stones. The fact is that vitamin C when excreted partially takes the form of oxalate salts. According to researchers at the Swedish Karolinska Institute, this feature of ascorbic acid increases the likelihood of kidney complications.

Fact: Vitamin C improves iron absorption

Iron deficiency in the body can lead to anemia. At a minimum, it will noticeably worsen your health: dizziness and fatigue will appear. As a maximum there will be problems with the cardiovascular system, severely affect the quality of skin, nails and hair. Usually anemia appears due to unbalanced nutrition, if the diet is not enough meat, fish and other iron-containing products. To prevent this problem will not be superfluous and vitamin C: it significantly increases the bioavailability (and therefore the assimilation) of non-heme iron, that is contained in plant foods: legumes, nuts, dried fruits. In short, if you adhere to a vegetarian diet or for some reason do not like meat, it is better to observe the daily norm of vitamin C.

Myth: Vitamin C reduces the risk of cancer

This theory was defended by the same Linus Pauling, he basically insisted that this micronutrient is able to cope with almost all diseases. Including cancer. Modern research has not yet confirmed the effectiveness of ascorbic acid in oncology, which means that this statement remains a myth, not a fact.

Fact: lemons are not record-breakers in vitamin C content

what is the best form of vitamin C to take - Rosehip is the record holder in vitamin C content
what is the best form of vitamin C to take – Rosehip is the record holder in vitamin C content

If you continued to believe this, we hasten to disappoint. Indeed, citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, mandarins) are rich in vitamin C, but there is much more of it in other products. In the first place rosehip, in the first five also sea buckthorn, sweet pepper, black currant and kiwi. Among citrus fruits, pomelo has the most micronutrients (65 mg per 100 g).

Nowadays, acute vitamin C deficiency is rare. Even with a not very balanced diet to gain a daily dose is not difficult. However, the consequences of ascorbic acid deficiency are also worth knowing. Deficiency can provoke the occurrence of scurvy. Bleeding gums, increased fatigue, prolonged healing of wounds, frequent colds should give reason to think and be examined by specialists.

Fact: Vitamin C is destroyed by heat treatment

If you put a slice of lemon in hot tea, it will not become completely useless. Much in this chemical reaction depends on the specific product, temperature and duration of processing. But the fact remains that fresh fruits and vegetables have more ascorbic acid than, for example, boiled. Therefore, rely on the benefits of raspberry jam, prepared for the winter, it is not worth it.

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